Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Salah as per Quran. by Maaz Dehalvi

Timings of salah:

1) Fajar salah:  O you who have believed, let those whom your right hands possess and those who have not [yet] reached puberty among you ask permission of you [before entering] at three times: before the dawn prayer (salah'til FAJR) and when you put aside your clothing [for rest] at noon and after the night prayer (salah'til ISHA). (24:58)

2) Zuhar Salah: ''Unto Him be praise in the heavens and the earth! - and at the sun's decline and in the NOONTIME'' (30:18)

3)Asar Salah: ''So glorify Allah when you enter the evening and when you enter the morning;(30:17)
''Guard strictly your  prayers, especially the Middle Prayer; and stand before Allah in a devout.'' (2:238)

4) Magrib Salah: ''And establish regular SALAH at the two ends of the day and at the approaches of the nigt'' (11:114)

5) Isha Salah: ''And establish regular SALAH at the two ends of the day and at the approaches of the nigt'' (11:114)
''O you who have believed, let those whom your right hands possess and those who have not [yet] reached puberty among you ask permission of you [before entering] at three times: before the dawn prayer (salah'til FAJR) and when you put aside your clothing [for rest] at noon and after the night prayer (salah'til ISHA)''. (24:58)

Other information pertaining to salah in Quran.
''O believers! Do not offer your Salah when you are drunk until you know what you are saying; nor after seminal emission, except when you are traveling, unless you wash your whole body. If you are sick, or on a journey, or one of you has used the toilet, or has had contact with women (sexual relation with wives) and can find no water, then make Tayammum: take some clean earth and rub your faces and hands with it. Allah is Lenient, Forgiving.'' (4:43)

''O ye who believe! when ye prepare for prayer, wash your faces, and your hands (and arms) to the elbows; Rub your heads (with water); and (wash) your feet to the ankles. If ye are in a state of ceremonial impurity, bathe your whole body. But if ye are ill, or on a journey, or one of you cometh from offices of nature, or ye have been in contact with women, and ye find no water, then take for yourselves clean sand or earth, and rub therewith your faces and hands, Allah doth not wish to place you in a difficulty, but to make you clean, and to complete his favor to you, that ye may be grateful.'' (5:6)

''Say: Call upon Allah or call upon, the Beneficent Allah; whichever you call upon, He has the best names; and do not utter your prayer with a very raised voice nor be silent with regard to it, and seek a way between these.'' (17:110
''When ye have finish as-salah remember Allah, standing, sitting and reclining. And when ye are in safety, observe proper worship. Salah at fixed times hath been enjoined on the believers.'' (4:103)

''O you who believe! when the call is made for prayer on Friday, then hasten to the remembrance of Allah and leave off trading; that is better for you, if you know.'' (62:9)      

''Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. And those who are with him are severe against disbelievers, and merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and falling down prostrate (in prayer), seeking Bounty from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure. The mark of them  is on their faces (foreheads) from the traces of prostration (during prayers).''  (48:29)

                                                        Method of offering salah.

Step1: Stand facing towards kaba. (3:39, 73:20, 2:144)

Step2: Raise hands up to the shoulder.
Note: Its just a symbolic expression of surrendering our self to allah. (2:112, 2:131)

Step3: Recite ''ALLAH HUAKBAR'' . (17:111)

Step4: Place hands above the navel.
Note:_ Allah says to stand obidiently in salah (2:238). One can place his/her hand in any of the 4 ways practiced by muslims all over the world i.e place hands below the navel or above the navel or on chest or leaving both the hands aside.  But care should be taken that we stand obidiently/ humbely in front of allah (during salah).

Step5: To Recite quran. (73:20)

Step6: Do Ruku (bow down)
Step7:  Prostarte (Sujood)
(2:43) (22:77) (48:29)

Step8: To give shahada (3:18)

Note: The sequence of steps of offering salah as mentioned above can see be seen in 22:26.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Misleading websites about Islam promoted by Jews and Christians

JEWS have intentionally developed some websites to spread wrong information about Quran and Hadith, so plz Seriously beware of the following websites & inform everyone:
PLZ SEND this msg to as many muslims as possible.

If U dont spread it, all muslims around the world could get wrong information about Islam forward this message as much as you can!

Saturday, October 19, 2013


Yesterday one of my Hindu friend shared the following picture on Facebook which says it is not allowed to slaughter and eat cow meat according to Quran, I was shocked to see that and started searching for this particular verse in the Quran but I didnt find this. Hence I researched and came to the following conclusion.

Important : Please note that I dont want to fight with anyone its just for your information and it may be possible that I may be wrong as far as references from Hindu Holy books are given. My main aim is to make aware all the people out there to go back and refer to your Holy Books and scriptures rather than following any religion BLINDLY.

Please note that the reference given is completely incorrect, you should mention the reference as Chapter number following by the verse number. Unfortunately it is very shameful whoever did this, to my capacity I have searched almost entire Qur'an but i didn't find any such words in Qur'an. May Allah forgive you.

Now brother I will give you strong proofs from the Qur'an on this issue with correct references and also from holy books of Hindu religion.

First lets see what Allah says in Qur'an about Cow slaughtering.

وَ اِذْ قَالَ مُوۡسٰی لِقَوْمِہٖۤ اِنَّ اللہَ یَاۡمُرُکُمْ اَنْ تَذْبَحُوۡا بَقَرَۃً ؕ قَالُوۡۤا اَتَتَّخِذُنَا ہُزُوًا ؕ قَالَ اَعُوۡذُ بِاللہِ اَنْ اَکُوۡنَ مِنَ الْجٰہِلِیۡنَ
And when Moses said to his people, "Allah commands you to slaughter a cow". They said, "you make us a laughing stock". He said, "refuge of Allah, that I be among the ignorants".
(Surah Baqarah, Chapter No. 2, verse 67)

 قَالُوا ادْعُ لَنَا رَبَّکَ یُبَیِّنۡ لَّنَا مَا ہِیَ ؕ قَالَ اِنَّہٗ یَقُوۡلُ اِنَّہَا بَقَرَۃٌ لَّا فَارِضٌ وَّلَا بِکْرٌ ؕ عَوَانٌۢ بَیۡنَ ذٰلِکَ ؕ فَافْعَلُوۡا مَا تُؤْمَرُوۡنَ
They said, "pray to your Lord that He tell to us, what kind of the cow, is," he said, "says He, she is a cow, neither old nor immature, but in between both", so do what you are commanded.
(Surah Baqarah , Chapter No. 2, verse 68)

وَالْبُدْنَ جَعَلْنٰہَا لَکُمۡ مِّنۡ شَعٰٓئِرِاللہِ لَکُمْ فِیۡہَا خَیۡرٌ ٭ۖ فَاذْکُرُوا اسْمَ اللہِ عَلَیۡہَا صَوَآفَّ ۚ فَاِذَا وَجَبَتْ جُنُوۡبُہَا فَکُلُوۡا مِنْہَا وَ اَطْعِمُوا الْقَانِعَ وَالْمُعْتَرَّ ؕ کَذٰلِکَ سَخَّرْنٰہَا لَکُمْ لَعَلَّکُمْ تَشْکُرُوۡنَ
And We made the sacrificial bulky animals camel and cow among the symbols of Allah for you. In them there is good for you. So mention the name of Allah over them while standing in line with three legs and tied up with one leg, then when their sides fall down, eat thereof yourselves and feed the contented and the beggars, thus We have subjected them to you, so that you may be thankful.
(Surah Hajj, Chapter 22, verse 36)


Manusmriti (Chapter 5 / Verse 30)
says, “It is not sinful to eat meat of
eatable animals, for Brahma has
created both the eaters and the
eatables.” Maharishi Yagyavalkya says in
Shatpath Brahmin (3/1/2/21) that, “I
eat beef because it is very soft and
delicious.” Apastamb Grihsutram (1/3/10) says,
“The cow should be slaughtered on
the arrival of a guest, on the occasion
of ‘Shraddha’ of ancestors and on the
occasion of a marriage.”
Rigveda (10/85/13) declares, “On the occasion of a girl’s marriage oxen and
cows are slaughtered.”
Rigveda (6/17/1) states that “Indra
used to eat the meat of cow, calf, horse
and buffalo.”
Vashistha Dharmasutra (11/34) writes, “If a Brahmin refuses to eat the
meat offered to him on the occasion of
‘Shraddha’ or worship, he goes to
hell.” Hinduism’s greatest propagator Swami
Vivekanand said thus: “You will be
surprised to know that according to
ancient Hindu rites and rituals, a man
cannot be a good Hindu who does not
eat beef”. (The Complete Works of Swami Vivekanand, vol.3, p. 536). Adi Shankaracharya’ commentary on
Brihdaranyakopanishad 6/4/18 says :
‘Odan’ (rice) mixed with meat is called
‘Mansodan’. On being asked whose
meat it should be, he answers ‘Uksha’.
‘Uksha’ is used for an ox, which is capable to produce semen.
• The book ‘The History and Culture of
the Indian People’, published by
Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan, Bombay and
edited by renowned historian
R.C.Majumdar (Vol.2, page 578) says: “this is said in the Mahabharat that
King Rantidev used to kill two
thousand other animals in addition to
two thousand cows daily in order to
give their meat in charity”